Winner Methodist is part of the new, Global Methodist Church, a theologically conservative denomination in the Wesleyan tradition. We openly profess the Christian faith, striving to serve our God through worship and praise, with integrity to every Biblical principle, and through our expression of the Sacraments of baptism and holy communion. Prayer, evangelism, and in being open to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit are a few of our core values.
Our beliefs reflect and align with what is common to historic Protestantism and what the church has believed since the first century.
Below is a brief synopsis of just a few of our doctrinal beliefs. If you have questions more specific, please don't hesitate to contact the church.
There is only one God. Our God, though, has revealed himself through our Bible in three distinctly individual persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. The Christian faith calls this the Trinity; one God in three Persons.
The Bible consists of 66 individual books; 39 books that make up the Old Testament and 27 that comprise the New Testament.
We believe that the Bible is wholly inspired by God and profitable for teaching and correction (II Timothy 3:16). We also believe the Bible to be God's inerrant word, in the original manuscript form. Even in our major modern translations, there are no substantive differences in doctrinal text from the earliest manuscripts.
Salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by any work of man. Salvation is by faith alone, provided for by the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Salvation is open to everyone who confesses Jesus with their mouth and believes in their heart that Jesus was raised from the dead. (Romans 10:9-10).
Salvation cannot be earned by works but is proven by our obedience to Christ's commands and our good fruit.
Prayer is nothing more than our conversation with God. Prayer for God's will to be done on earth is the duty of every Follower of Christ. Prayer changes hearts and minds, beginning with our own. The Word of God (The Bible), along with prayer, are the primary tools that connect us with the knowledge of the Father's will for our lives.
The Church is the Bride of Christ and the Father's instrument by which he reveals his plan of redemption and purposes to those on earth.
The church is made up of the gathering of the Body of Christ, the Christians. The unity of the Church and their love for others reflects the unity and love of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit to all humankind.
The Holy Spirit manifests himself through a variety of different spiritual gifts that he has given to the church for the building up of the body of Christ. These gifts demonstrate the truth of the resurrection, confirming the power and authority of the Gospel. Every believer has been given gifts that are needed by the church, and Christians are expected to strive to discover and employ them for the Glory of God the building up of the body of Christ, and the proclamation of the gospel to those who are still lost.
Every person will exist forever. Those who submit to the Lordship and authority of Jesus Christ will live for eternity with him in glory. Those who reject the Lordship of Christ here on earth will live for eternity in the torment of the absence of God's presence.
Heaven and hell are real, literal places, and the only way to heaven is through a personal relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have an urgent need, you can call the church at (605) 842-0854.
Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our service times are 9:00 on Sunday mornings.