Welcome to 2024! What happens every January? New Year’s Resolutions!
The New Year gives us time to reflect on what we’ve done and not done, what we’ve accomplished and what we’ve let slip away again, and on who and what we want to be. continued...
I had a professor in seminary who said,
“No matter how often the Bible speaks of the requirement of Christian unity, Christians feel not only free to attack other Christians, but obligated to point out all that is wrong with them.” continued...
Have you ever wondered why we sing as we begin our church services?
Most of us never think about it; we simply take it for granted that it’s always been done, so we keep doing it. There is a little truth to the idea of tradition, but why did the tradition begin? Why do we still sing? continued...
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Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our service times are 9:00 on Sunday mornings.